Category: Video Translation

Chinese Video Content Editing Services

Searching for Chinese video content editing services? Our crew consists of experienced editor and native English and Chinese producers, feel free to send us your requirement and we will help you craft your next video!

[email protected]

Chinese Local Video Editor

We work with bilingual video editor from time to time, and our producers are mostly bilingual, whether it’s English content or Chinese content, we work with our clients to correct the language issue and common mistakes so your video can be ready for your audience.

Localize Your Video Content

Do you need your video content to be localized to China? We have years of video production experience and we help our clients with their video content, whether it’s video subtitling or transform the video’s VO to Chinese, we have great resources and editor ready for your project.

Video Translation Services

We translate your video and put them into Chinese, so the audience can understand your content, you no longer need to scratch your video from the beginning, with the existing content, we can polish it and make it into Chinese.

Cantonese Mandarin Voice Over your Video

We work with the great voice over talent in China, whether it’s a commercial video or a branding film, we help our clients to find the right match for voice over. Our voice over talent base consist of experienced voice over talents, and with a variety of local Chinese dialect, Mandarin and Cantonese, or even other Chinese dialects.

Customized Motion Graphic Video

We create great visuals so your videos can pop!

Video can sell! We work with clients to compile the best content in script, then transform them into the vivid video form, sell your idea and product without the huge time investment, we are here to solve our client’s problem, whether it’s a marketing campaign or a product launching, our experience and skills will cover your video production needs in every aspect.